Wednesday 1 February 2017


                                                                                      -Deepali Yadav

Females are empowered but they still have a long struggle to do on their way to an absolute equality with the other sex. The term “other sex”or “second sex” is used for women but why? Why are female second? Does it not sound inferior and dependent? The painting titled ‘golden crotch’ by Deepali Yadav explores the struggles and action woman have undertook in their fight for equality. Women are compared to a lioness by making use of pubic area of a woman and personifying it. This painting is based on brightening the female sex.
A lioness hunts for prey and not a lion similarly it’s always a woman who has to fight, men have always enjoyed their so called birth right- freedom. Yes, even men had to struggle at some point but didn’t they always have the right to education, right to vote, they never took contraception’s, never did they get fired for being pregnant, did they ever face difficulties in getting a credit card? No, women faced all those struggles; but not all women were equal; women from colonized countries like India or Africa for example have suffered more considering they had to fight racism as well. Yes men fought with racism too but they always had it easy compared to woman. They had much more freedom, they could do jobs and enter the public area, they could serve as judges, be presidents and army chiefs and they had many more rights which women had to earn with their struggle as time progressed. Now some of you may think is she defending women? Or is she belittling men and their struggles? Well readers I am doing none I am stating facts with the help of a fictional painting.
 The human body is divided into seven and a half units and the part drawn is three to four and half units; below the navel area to mid thighs. Blonde hairs are drawn above the groin and they go flowing sideways to the end. Two black eyes and a nose are made elongating the line of the vagina and they represent a similarity to the facial features of a lioness. The body is painted in grey color and features are highlighted with black and white. By looking at the painting it looks like a lioness with golden hair and it also looks like a female lower body part with flowing blonde hair. By making facial features on groin, the female is leveled up by having an identity and not just an object for male pleasure, females are often commodified in the homosexual economic market says Luce Irigary in her essay “goods get together”. The vagina is not there to conceive and deliver babies but it is a mouth which will voice the injustices done to woman. Females have started to raise their voices against patriarchal practices and misogynists. The lines of the nose make the shape of letter V symbolizing victory of female kind. Females and males are the two sex and inequalities which exist only destroy the future both have. The mouth is black like the night sky. Does it mean females utter bad words from their mouths and that’s why they are silenced? No. This is an open mouth ready to speak, ready to strike, ready for action, ready for rights and ready for equality. The facial features of the crotch are extremely fierce as they resemble the powerful and proud lioness, a female should always be proud of the gender she is born in, she should be powerful enough to stop the injustices done to her.

Now let’s take a look at other parts, if you see the starting of the hair, the shape is phallic in nature. The objective behind it is that man is not the one sits on woman’s head to order them around but it’s the power of the woman that she can always change her mind and hairstyle in a flip of a coin if she wishes to do so, the woman can throw down a man and make him realize his worth anytime she likes. Woman have always been the one who are put aside but the flowing hair show that she refuses  to be put aside but has power to free herself from unjust violence. A woman should also let herself flow and not get stuck in the superstitions and bounds of society. The hair, facial features and mid-thighs, all these represent a woman who is aware of her sexuality and the role she is playing and the role she should play. Should she be born, passed on from father to husband, give birth and die? Is this the life she was born to live? Maybe yes, maybe no. The point is nobody should hold back, so what if you have a vagina and not a penis, so what if you have big breasts, so what if you are beautiful and not bearded, does this mean you have to live a lowly life? No. A different sex CAN NOT stop you. Some weak balls cannot stop a hardcore vagina.

Why grey, black and golden? There are undoubtedly prettier colors for a woman. The grey color in which the body is painted is the least favorite of any woman and it is a symbol of not having a personality of one’s own. There are grey areas and grey people that are always in the middle so basically grey represents a woman who is dependent on decision of man and does not have any thinking of her own. The reason I choose this color is because grey is also a symbol of mental power and reflection of one thought. Woman are thought to be of less or no intellect but this grey color shows that a woman has mental power to stand up as herself or even more than that. A woman can’t just be called a “wo-man” but a new word should be coined that doesn’t have a ‘man’ in it. Readers don’t see me as a sexist because I ask for a new independent identity for this sex which is considered weaker but is actually at par with the other sex. The hair has black, white and golden color signifying that this new woman doesn’t discriminate on the basis of color and accepts people as they are. The hair are on the groin not the head showing woman have the complete right of doing out of ordinary things.

Rabindranath Tagore in his story “exercise book” says that ‘a girls book can be snatched away but there is no benefactor of humankind that has the strength to take a man’s work away from him. In the poem “Breaking Out” by Marge Piercy the girl says that when she broke the stick with which she was often beaten she realized that it was weaker than she was and that was the day she grew up from a child to an adolescent. The girl knew what all things are better to break and that this learning was not losing innocence but gaining power. There are many visual shows which show gender bender for example “Man’s world”, “She’s’ the man” etc. but they fail to prove any point apart from entertainment, they show how hard it’s for a woman but what’s the point. You are still, never going to be an actual woman. TRP’s were boosted but was women’s status boosted? Of course not, Shows like these start and end is a complete falsie. I saw in many videos of Buzz feed that after participating in some experiments which deal with living women’s life in parts men say they have a greater respect for woman but seriously apart from some men, most don’t leave their mentality of superiority and hold age old narrow minded thinking about an ideal woman for example someone who doesn’t drink, doesn’t go clubbing, is less intellectual than him, and wears covered clothes and many more. Now you make say what rubbish, it happened back in the day but now men are very accepting, the problem lays here, in accepting you. Who are they to accept you? Who are they to give you space? You were born in your own space lovely woman. They become feminist if they accept you but why raise them to a pedestal for something that they do which shouldn’t even exist. Yes this world of feminist and feminism and sexism should cease to exist and that is when men and woman will have absolute equality. Why do some private parts decide your fate? Why? Is sex the only thing? Are we humans or sex addicts? Intellect, ability, morality, responsibility and choice are also words with meaning and not just to be decorated in a dictionary. Know what’s wrong and fight woman. Don’t surrender to these misogynists and patriarchal powers. I am not saying that only men are misogynists but woman are too and it’s a shame! Women who think without men they are nothing, women who force other women to suppress to man, be silent on marital rapes, women who comment if some other women is driving bad (oh accha madam chala rhi hai), at least she is driving and not being a parasite like you. Not men but women also need a change, realize that traditions and customs which have existed are not always for your betterment; they could be and should be changed if are being an obstacle in your life.

The painting shows gender upliftment of woman; the woman is standing up from the coffin by pushing the oppressive power to the side and doesn’t let anyone use her body for her disadvantage. The vagina is given an identity rather than being just a hole and the golden hair shows the lightening of the female and her flowing soul which is free from the bounds of the binding. Get out there woman, don’t get hold back in the jail of 8 am to 8 pm, be a woman. Yes, be a woman, know your fists, know your strengths and your mind and show that three lettered sex that you are still two letters ahead.

My readers, you should understand that doing something new should not be a question to you. You are here living this life now, what else will you do if not what your heart wants and your mind says. Yeah you can do what everyone has been doing all along but what changes will you then make? What is then the bloody purpose of your existence? Please don’t suffer from an existential crisis after reading this. My point is to tell you that slap someone who mistreats you, talk back to people who try to make you feel inferior, argue whenever you want with whomever who wish if you think you are right. Don’t lose, okay. Do whatever you want. Want to smoke? Do it, want to drink? Why not! Want to make a boyfriend? Lose your virginity? Have a lesbian experience? Please guys go ahead and do it. You only have one life. For heaven’s sake don’t lose out only because someone else is loading off their idiotic beliefs on you. Shove it aside and breathe the air of freedom, it will be fresh and not stuffy like before I promise you. And yeah, if you get beaten and thrown out of the house then khalo yaar 2 thappad, 2 raatein bahar guzarlo atleast you did what you wanted to do right. Be independent and make your own rules, actually no, don’t make any rules. Just live ;)

Deepali Yadav
 Student at Kamala Nehru College (DU)
Contact me @
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