Wednesday, 1 February 2017

SUMMARY OF Sigmund Freud: The Theory of Dreams

 Sigmund Freud:
 The Theory of Dreams
 December 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
·         Rest or sleep is broken with a disturbance in unconsciousness. Dreams are hallucinating experiences which ensures continuity of sleep. We only dream something which we know we can cope with.
·         When we are unable to cope with it we wake up in a state of anxiety. In dreams we are aware of the comfort ability of the dream. "After all, it is only a dream".
·         Dreams give us a glimpse of what goes on in our unconscious mind and they are quite different from our conscious thoughts, dreams appear as faulty and preposterous to our conscious mind. These dreams also affect our neurotic systems as latent dreams are turned into manifest dreams.
                 Manifest Dream: dreaming repressed; true emotions of the dreamer. They are buildup of Unconscious thinking.     
                 Latent Dream: hidden psychological meaning of dream.
·         Latent dream becomes manifest dream after interpretation. The dreams acknowledge that he thought so at one point of time or even done so. The dreamer rejects one thought. All other dreams are formed in walking life/day. This rejected thought is of an unconscious, this thought had to wait the conscious to be repressed to come out. With other dreams which we don’t object this disowned dream also comes onto surface. In dreams our instinctual wishes are seen as fulfilled. In dreams our instinctual whishes are seen as dreams we are cut off from reality. These unconscious, represses and latent thoughts thus become visual pictures in the dream.
     Stages of dream
        - wish to sleep
         - Voluntary withdrawal from outside world
                    >thinking of older or possible activities
             >repression is resisted which gives rise to unconsciousness and dream formation begins

Latent dream thoughts- a repressed impulse which obtains expression, these thoughts give satisfaction and are turned into collection of sensory and visual images.    
·         There is representation of certain things through objects which have become strange to conscious thoughts, when thoughts are translated into pictures, then those thoughts are preferred which provide a telescoping. Because dreams are created by condensation of thoughts then many dream thoughts can have same elements, this element is represented through dream pictures.
·         What is important in dream-thoughts is represented in dreams. Displacement is chief method in dream distortion, after many effects on dream thoughts, the dream is ready. Secondary elaboration comes into appearance after the dream has come into consciousness. Then the dream is treated as perception, we add links, try to fill in gaps and often believe its misunderstandings.
·         Dream does not function entirely on dream-thoughts, sometimes it works through parts. The dreams could be normal brain activity or something that happened before in the day.
·         Whish theory of dreams has two difficulties; first difficulty is people who experienced traumatic situations face them even n their dreams; second difficulty is people with amnesia of childhood sexual abuse, they recall those memories in dreams. According to Freud all unrealizable desires are due to bad childhood experiences and they bring pain to the surface. Sometimes in case of traumatic nervousness, dreams end up in anxiety. Dream is a wish fulfillment. Dream can achieve its end in an incomplete way or has to abandon t. the sleeper has to dream because the nightly relaxation of repression allows the traumatic experience to become active and the dream- work of sleeper results in wish fulfillment or changed memory traces of traumatic event.

·         When the child has love toward the mother then repression has already begun, Sophocles' story. Many people mate with their mothers in dreams but the dreams are of no account. The play is immortal and it sets an individual's responsibility toward law and society. Moral instinct of human are repressed which could force him not to do such things. In play god and destiny are reason behind their acts. The hearer or watcher of play find the Oedipus complex in himself, he sees the Gods and Oracle in his unconsciousness. Even though the man has suppressed his evil thoughts in his unconscious and says he is not answerable to them, he still has a sense of guilt for which he can't bring out a foundation.
·         The sense of guilt which the man has acquired through beliefs in religion and morality. The child often caresses mother in absence of father and promises to marry her, these thoughts later dwell in the unconscious of the child. People think it’s due to erotic movies or egoistic motives. Mother's motives are to be concerned with child and his needs. When boy shows sexual curiosity (seduction, sleeping with mother, watching her change) mother observes this erotic attachment without a change.
·          A mother watches on daughter as well but this effect is not produced on her. Sex preference is also important and needs to be considered.
·         Little girl's devotion to fathers and adopting womanhood is also awakening of oedipal complex in girl. Oedipal complex is possible relations closely related to Oedipus complex. These feeling that a boy or girl has of affection towards the opposite sex parent is discontinued with birth of another child, the child gets away from parent and on becoming an adult harbors an embitterment or estrangement.
·         The boy can be attracted to sister instead of heart less mother; he sees other bother as a substitute for father and little sister as a child that she expected from father. Though incest is considered taboo but the first love objects of a person are in his own family. Also God's have incestuous relationships in many culture's mythology and in Egypt they married their own brothers and sisters.
·         Hamlet- father died revenge from mother. A hatred for father arises with several motives including sexual desires with mother. The boy frees himself from parent after finding an external love in reality and reconciling with father who was antagonistic. In neurotics the boy fails to find a new sexual object and remains all his life in subjection to his father. All men not just neurotics have incestuous and murderous dreams. Neurotics’ shows this complex in a magnified and exaggerated form and this is also revealed in dream analyses of normal people.


·         Many philosophers say that mental thing being unconscious is self- contradictory. Consciousness is a highly escapable condition, what is conscious is conscious only for a moment. Unconscious condition can also become conscious. The pre-conscious thoughts also become conscious. There are many mental processes which can't be conscious, these must be interpreted, discovered and translated into conscious.
·         Mental Processes- -unconscious, pre-conscious and conscious. There is no line between them; any can become conscious, unconscious or pre-conscious.
·         [ID, Ego and Super Ego]
ID- a chaos, it has direct contact with somatic (bodily) process. It takes instinctual needs and gives them mental expression. There is no logic in ID, no organization and no unification. There are contradictory impulses which neutralize each other's impulses. There is an idea of time, passage of time and no alteration of mental processes by passage of time. Impulses which don't go beyond ID are immortal and are preserved as if they happened just right now. They are robbed of their energy and they become conscious through analyses. ID knows no values, no good and evil, no morality. Economic or pleasure principle dominates all processes. ID is instinctual and the energy for these instinctual and the energy for these instinctual impulses is stored elsewhere in the mind. ID stands for untamed passions.
Ego- different from ID and super ego, also called perceptual conscious system. It is the sense organ of interior of mind. This forms perception of external world and generates the phenomena of consciousness. Ego is part of ID relating to external world and also influenced by it. Ego observed external world and preserves a true picture of it in memory. It controls path of access to motility (power) but it also roams between desire and action which gives rise to greater security and success. It works through idea of time; there is high degree of organization which ego needs for achievement. Ego stands for reason and circumspection (attention to facts). It has three masters- external world, ID and super ego. Ego develops anxiety when it is too hard presses or threatened by danger. It wants to obey to demands of external world but also be obedient to id. It has to maintain balance between ID and reality.
Super Ego- it holds certain norms of behavior without caring about difficulty coming from ID and external world. If the norms are not acted up to it punishes Ego with feeling of tension and manifests themselves as inferiority or guilt.
·         Ego thus facing pressures from three sides, tries to work in some kind of harmony. When Ego acknowledges it's weakness it breaks out into anxiety.
     ID                   : neurotic anxiety
     Superego          : normal anxiety
     External World   : reality anxiety
All parts are mixed into each other; a geographical line can't be made.

 Deepali Yadav
 Student at Kamala Nehru College (DU)
Contact me @
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