Wednesday, 1 February 2017

SUMMARY of Franz Fanon: The Negro and Language

This post was republished to englishhonshelp at 8:14:20 PM 1/2/2017
Franz Fanon: The Negro and Language

·         Basic important to the phenomena of language
·         Black man- 2 dimension, 1st with his fellows and 2nd with white men.
·         This self-division of Negro is a result of colonialist subjugation, the Negro were led to believe that they are a slow evolution from monkey to man
·          When we speak a certain language, we adopt its syntax, understand its morphology, we adapt and assume a culture and we become a part of its civilization. A man who has his own language can express and imply the world in his own language. Being a master at a language fives power. Fanon gives example of Negro of Antilles who is whiter than average Negro but still faces the problem of language.
·         Colonized people- people whose local cultural originality has been buried and they now face the language of the civilizers, their language introduces their culture. The black will be elevated if he adopts the French's cultural standard and he will become whiter( he loses his blackness with the losing of his local culture)

·         After living in France, the Negro goes home to be treated as Gods but the natives have felling of love and hatred (uncertainty) towards them. The phenotype (observable characteristics of a person) of Negro of Antilles is changed, he greets by slight bow and not by an arm sweep.
Creole is spoken only to servants and children of Martinique are taught to dread the language. One is judged by his/her speech. The one who masters the language is feared like a white man. R eating man - the Negro man misses R and so he tries very hard to react against the myth. The Negro sometimes allocates the r badly. (Waiterrrrrrrr give me a beeya)

·         Investigating the modification of body fluids that occur in Negroes when they arrive in France. The black man changes when he comes to France because it gave him knowledge and function in life. The 'new comer' speaks only in French and acts that he has forgotten the native knowledge he received. An example is given of a man forgetting the name of an apparatus but when the father drops the apparatus on his foot the memory comes back. He does not understand the dialect and talks of places like opera which he saw from a distance. He gets critical about his companion and native land and culture. The new comer either has to leave his 'paris-ianism’ or he becomes a living joke.
·         Why the personality changed? Why this new behavior? Dialect represents a way of thinking so when the Negro adopts a new language it signifies separation and dislocation. The Negro gets inferiority complex among French and so he adopts European dress, furniture, social intercourse etc. which gives him a sense of equality.
·         Gelb Goldstein- function of language is broken into periods and steps. Why is Antilles Negro so fond of French? Because the Negro of Antilles consider themselves inferior to white man. The Britons of Brittany are however not like that and thus they are civilized by the white men. The process of colonizing psychologically stops respiration of natives, they feel suffocated. Intelligence does not win upon color bias. Black is considered less intelligent, there is no equality of men, the color-bias leads to destruction of men.
·         Sir Alan Burns- unable to believe the scientifically proven theory that black man is inferior to white man. He says the bible and New Testament theories are absurd like the yellow and black colored man have such skin because of their sins. Equality can be achieved on the basis of dignity, love and charity; but Fanon says he wants the black man to free himself of destructive complexes that were developed by the colonial environment.
1)   White men while talking to black behave like an adult talking to a baby. There are no white men who behave naturally when they meet Negroes.
2)   The Negro gets angry when someone speaks pidgin nigger to him because he himself speaks pidgin nigger. The white show lack of interest and classifies the Negro, he also improves him and tries to primitivise him and this makes the black man angry.
·         When white talks in pidgin nigger, it’s to express this thought that “you’d better keep your place”. A Russian or German are not looked down when they speak imperfect French because they have a language and a culture of their own but in the case of Negroes it’s not so; they have no language, culture or civilization in the eyes of the white. It’s not important to educate them, but it is important to teach them not to be slaves of their archetypes (colonizers).

·         There are two types of people, one who forget where they came from and second who remember. The Negro of Antilles speaks in his native dialect if he wants to show that nothing has changed. What happens when Antilles Negro students meet in France? They have two choices; either stand with Europe by speaking French or reject Europe by speaking in dialect. An Antilles Negro is cut down by reminding him of Antilles by speaking its dialect.

·         Theme of Fanon is disalienation of the black man and where there is a lack of understanding in front of white man, it is lack of judgment. Alienation is Antilles Negro learning French to pass as French and lack of judgment will be speaking in a dialect at another or any place and getting ridiculed or insulted.

·         Negro will become whiter when he adopts French culture. Aime cesaire   and the introduction he receives of being a black poet, a Negro poet with university degree is not removed from his name. Michel Leiris says the intellectual growth took place in France and in French; it would be an artifice (bad trick) to use another language apart from the one you Learned.
Ø So basically Fanon is advocating the culture and language of blacks/ Negroes. He is not against French but wants the Negroes to maintain their originality so they can’t be colonized because they already have a civilization.

Deepali Yadav
 Student at Kamala Nehru College (DU)
Contact me @
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